MIRACLE data analysis tools


Name of analysis method
Output quantites
Required input data Developer(s)
Rules of the road
2D combined MIRACLE data plots
measured data 
of different instruments on common map
measurements of the data wanted need to be available Pekka Janhunen 1
1D magnetic field continuation 1D north-south profiles of ionospheric equivalent currents (east-west component), also as time series IMAGE magnetometer data of chains NUR-NAL (north-south) and AND-KEV (east-west) Olaf Amm
Heikki Vanhamäki
1D magnetic field separation into internal and external parts 1D north-south profile of internal and external parts of north component of magnetic field on the ground, also as time series IMAGE magnetometer data of chains NUR-NAL (north-south) and AND-KEV (east-west) Ari Viljanen
Olaf Amm
1D method of characteristics 1D north-south profile of ionospheric conductances, currents, and FACs, also as time series IMAGE magnetometer data of chains NUR-NAL (north-south) and AND-KEV (east-west); STARE data with good spatial coverage Ilkka Sillanpää
Olaf Amm
2D magnetic fiels continuation and seperation into internal and external parts(SECS)
2D maps of ionospheric equivalent currents; 2D maps of external and internal equivalent currents on the ground; also as time series Full set of 2D, three-component IMAGE data Olaf Amm
Antti Pulkkinen
2D Method of characteristics:

a) "JEQ-based" (using equivalent currents from ground magnetometers)

2D maps of ionospheric conductances, currents, and FACs for single timesteps
a) STARE data with good spatial coverage, complete set of IMAGE magnetometer data, availability of all-sky camera data helpful
Olaf Amm

b) "FAC-based" (using field-aligned currents from a multi-satellite mission)
b) STARE data with good spatial coverage, and field-aligned current measurements of a multi-satellite mission like CLUSTER II, mapped to the ionosphere
Local KRM technique 2D maps of ionospheric conductances, currents and FACs for single timesteps Complete set of IMAGE magnetometer data, model for ionospheric conductances; availability of all-sky camera data helpful Heikki Vanhamäki 2
Elementary current method (ECM) 2D maps of true (not equivalent) ionospheric currents;
{Hall and Pedersen conductances}
Full set of IMAGE magnetometer data, and field-aligned current measurements of a multi-satellite mission like CLUSTER II, mapped to the ionosphere;
{STARE data with good coverage}
Olaf Amm 2
1D SECS for satellite use 1D true ionospheric currents and FAC Three-component magnetic data of low-orbiting satellite (can in addition also use ground-based magnetometer data) Liisa Juusola
Olaf Amm
ASCInv for auroral arc situations: precipitating electron flux multi-wavelength all-sky camera data, possibly from several stations Pekka Janhunen 2

How to get plots:

In order to get combined MIRACLE data plots or 1D upward continuation or separation plots, please contact Kirsti Kauristie. If you would like to apply the Method of Characteristics or the Elementary Current Method in case studies, contact Olaf Amm. For the ASCInv method, contact Pekka Janhunen.

Rules of the road (numbers see in Table above):

The rules of the road listed below refer to the use of the analysis methods described on this page. See also the general rules of the road for MIRACLE data usage. The numbers in the list below correspond to the number for each analysis method in the "rules of the road" column in the Table above.
  1. User-defined result plots are available via email request. However, one of  the contact persons should be consulted before publication of the plots. Publication requires an acknowledgement. In case of substantial consultation of the contact person his/her inclusion to the author list is expected.
  2. Analysis method is available within co-operation with the contact person. For publications, she/he should be included in the author list. Additionally, an acknowledgement of the MIRACLE group is expected.

Maintained by: Olaf Amm
Latest update: 10. 5. 1999